Arrested With Prescription Drugs? What You Need To Know


Prescription drugs represent the new frontier in illegal drugs. While these drugs are safe to use when prescribed by a medical provider, they can lead to severe injury and even death when they are taken illegally. For this reason, the authorities have little tolerance for those individuals who distribute these substances illegally. If you have been charged with a prescription drug-related crime, you must understand the magnitude of the situation you face.

23 July 2018

Throwing A Party Responsibly: How To Prevent DUIs When Alcohol Is Served At Your Celebrations


Graduations, summer kick-off parties, and other seasonal celebrations abound this time of year, and if you're hosting a party, safety should be at the forefront of your mind. As fun as it is to plan and throw a bash for all your friends and family, you owe it to them, yourself, and the public at large to be responsible with alcohol and take the extreme measures needed to keep everyone safe.

11 June 2018

Be Prepared: Filing For Disability Benefits


Getting approved for Social Security benefits is all about proof. Unfortunately, being too sick to work at your job is only the beginning of the journey toward getting the Social Security Administration (SSA) to approve you. Before you apply, you can take steps to help ensure that your claim will be approved quicker and more successfully. Read on learn more about the key things to do to ensure that you will get approved for the help you need without delay.

10 April 2018

The Three People You Need During A Divorce


Even an amicable divorce is frequently more emotionally draining, infuriating and frustrating than people expect. It is difficult to suddenly have to change goals and plans and admit to the failure of a marriage. It is painful regardless of why it happens, but there is much more involved than just matters of the heart. Each individual must make choices about their future and a mistake can become expensive or lead to regrets.

18 October 2016

Tips for Dividing Possessions During a Divorce


If you are thinking about getting a divorce, you might wonder how you are going to divide up the personal possessions that you and your partner share. This can be an action that is fraught with difficulty. It could cause a lot of strife and, in the worst case, could result in your divorce having to go to court rather than being settled between you, your attorney, your partner, and his or her attorney.

15 September 2016

3 Things That You Shouldn't Do When You're Being Sexually Harassed At Work


Being sexually harassed is never a good feeling -- it can bring on feelings of anger, embarrassment, fear and more. It can be difficult to know how to act in this type of situation, but there are a few things that you should avoid doing. Even though sexual harassment is never the victim's fault, avoiding certain things can help you avoid getting put in an even worse situation. 1. Laugh it Off

12 July 2016

3 Tips To Help Your Personal Injury Case


Before you can receive financial compensation for an accident you were in, you have to get through the responsible party's insurance company. Negotiating with the company can be challenging, but it is possible to work out an agreement that adequately compensates you for your damages. Here are some tips to help you during negotiations with the insurance company.  Keep It Professional One of the biggest mistakes you can make is becoming too friendly with the insurance claims adjuster.

14 June 2016